Halloween Safety Tips for your HOA


Trick-or-treating in your HOA community should be safe and fun for everyone. Here are some Halloween safety tips to help keep the youngest members of your community safe:

  • Post flyers around the community and/or send emails out prior to Halloween informing residents to be mindful of trick-or-treaters. Encourage motorists to drive with extra caution on Halloween evening.
  • Do a walk-thru or a drive-thru of your community and check for any potential hazards. If you notice a hazard, place cones or warning signs in these areas to encourage alertness. It is also a good idea to point out potential blind spots.
  • Suggest that homes participating in Halloween, leave their lights on, while those who do not wish to participate, leave them off. Instruct families to only knock on doors that have their lights on.

Suggestions for homeowners:

  1. Make sure your own yard is free of any debris or other objects such as broken lawn equipment (or furniture) so that no one trips. Keep the front door area well lit, too.
  2. Tell your children to walk, don’t run. You should also advise them to use sidewalks and avoid the streets when possible. Stress the importance of watching for cars!
  3. Keep a flashlight with you while trick-or-treating. It is also a good idea to have a reflective article of clothing or to use a reflective candy bag.

Campbell Property Management wishes everyone a safe and Happy Halloween!

by Ashley Dietz, Marketing Director, Campbell Property Management